How to Get Oil Stains Out of Clothes: Make Cooking stains Vanish

How to Remove Oil Stains from Clothes

- 1st time amazing stain removal results even in cold and short cycle washes
- Brilliant whites even after 50 washes, helps against greying and dulling over time. *At 20°C, on regular cycle vs detergent alone
Fully dissolve ½ scoop (30g) in 7L of warm water (max 40°C).
For best results soak whites or colours for 2 hours.
After soaking, wash as usual or rinse thoroughly. Tough stains may require repeat applications.
For best results on stains, rub stains before rinsing.
In Wash Instructions: For top loader: Use 1 scoop (60g) + detergent.
For front loader: Use ½ scoop (30g) + detergent.
Important: Before using Vanish Napisan Oxi Advance, you should always follow the usage instructions on the packaging and follow its care advice.
How to Remove Oil Stains from Carpets & Upholstery

- Gives you newer looking carpets & upholstery with amazing stain removal.
Prepare: Remove excess dirt and stain. Turn the nozzle’s trigger to ON position whilst directing the trigger away from face. Then turn to OFF Position after use of the product. DO NOT squeeze trigger in OFF position as this may cause the product to split when turned ON
Apply: Spray on the stain and leave for max 5 mins.
Clean: Blot the stain and remove excess product using a clean cloth. Repeat as necessary until stain is removed. Ensure the surfaces are dry before stepping or sitting on them.
Important: Before use check for colour fastness by testing a hidden area of the fabric, rug or carpet. Always follow the usage instructions on the packaging and follow its care advice. Keep out of reach of children.
Amazing stain removal, odour elimination and helps reduce pet resoiling.